ALVEARE/BEEHIVE do you want me to bee

 Alveare / Beehive
(do you want me to bee)

Short film 1’59 | 2019 Italy | Luigi Coppola

Director, edit and post-production LUIGI COPPOLA
Dancers /Cast Roberta Calcagno, Lucia Folco LINEAdARIA Vertical Contemporary Dance
Cameraman Gantico
Drone shooting Gabriele Canu Vertical Movies
Costume design Italia Furlan Arti.ficio
Backstage Photography Alessandro Gimelli The Overpass
Rigger Gabriele Guatti
Special Thanks to Michele Fanni, Giorgio Bormida
Producer EMSTELUDANZA Cultural Association

BEST INTERNATIONAL SHORT Indiedance2020 | Los Angeles
BEST DANCE FILM Experimental Dance and Music Film Festival |Toronto
Official Selection Dance Days Chania 2020 | Greece
Official Selection Dance Barn Screen Dance Festival | Minnesota
Official Selection Thessaloniki Cinedance International | Greece
Official Selection Los Angeles Dance Shorts Film Festival
Official Selection Moving Images International Videodance festival | Greece
Official Selection Kinetoscope International Screendance Film Festival | Montana US
Official Selection Dance@30FPS | Ohio US
Official Selection London Indie Short festival of 24 Frames
The Beehive aims at focusing on the critical part bees plays in the biosphere as a deeply interconnected system. As pollinators, the bees make every sort of flowers and trees grow. Without them we are all lost.
In a rocky and steep beehive two worker bees do not dance their lives away; quite the opposite, their hectic buzz raises cries – and moves – of alarm. The dancer bodies, transfigured into alien though intimate creatures of our imagination, dialogue in flying, express power, vital energy, inscrutable beauty and rage against human blindness. Eventually they scatter pollen as if they’d scatter seeds of life and conscience regeneration.
It is sharp and insightful visual suggestion, bursting with energy and hope for a better future, accompanied by the razor-sharp use of natural and artificial lights and a soundtrack that gives rhythm to the bee-dancer bodies as the very beating heart of our fragile world.
ALVEARE/BEEHIVE do you want me to bee?
Luigi Coppola is a filmmaker and musician based in Milan and Zurich. Since the beginning of his career he tries to put the two disciplines together through the music video, working with many Italian bands. He then devoted himself to video art and embarked on a path of collaboration with various dance and theater companies, for which he curates the projections for live shows. Later he produced videos dedicated to dance, often combining this form of expression with another passion of his which is design and architecture. Today he collaborates with various companies, editorial and collective groups linked to the design and art sector.
Alveare / Beehive
(do you want me to bee)

L’Alveare vuole focalizzarsi sul ruolo centrale svolto dalle api nella nostra biosfera come un sistema interconnesso. Impollinatrici, esse rendono possibile la crescita di ogni sorta di fiori ed alberi. Senza di loro noi siamo persi.
In un alveare scosceso e roccioso due api operaie non danzano inutilmente le loro vite al vento; al contrario, il loro ronzio frenetico getta grida – e movimenti – di allarme. I corpi delle danzatrici, trasfigurati in creature aliene eppure così familiari alla nostra immaginazione, dialogano in volo, esprimono potere, energia vitale, bellezza misteriosa e collera contro la cecità umana. Alla fine il loro spargere polline equivale allo spargere i semi di una vita e una coscienza rigenerate.
È una suggestione visiva acuta e profonda, prorompente di energia e speranza per un futuro migliore, accompagnata da un uso precisissimo della luce naturale e artificiale e da una musica che ritma i corpi danzanti delle api come fosse lo stesso cuore pulsante del nostro mondo così fragile.
Luigi Coppola è filmmaker e musicista, basato a Milano e Zurigo. Sin dagli inizi della sua carriera cerca di mettere insieme le due discipline attraverso il videoclip musicale, lavorando con molte band italiane. Si dedica in seguito alla video arte e intraprende un percorso di collaborazione con svariate compagnie di danza e teatro, per le quali cura le proiezioni per gli spettacoli live. In seguito produce dei video dedicati alla danza, unendo spesso questa forma d’espressione ad un’altra sua passione che è il design e l’architettura. Oggi collabora con svariate aziende, gruppi editoriali e collettivi legati al settore del design e dell’arte.